Friday, July 5, 2013

Supernatural Powers!

Today is Independence Day and also my mum's birthday. We had some friends over and we also had to visit my parents but overall we had a successful day in spite the fact that I was having a huge headache the whole day and I had no caffeine.

We just finished watching a superhero film that it was really marvelous and inspiring... hehe
I asked my people if they could have a supernatural power what would it be? of course the guys said to be really super strong, or to fly..... but I was thinking... what could it be for us to have a supernatural power that we actually could have...

In church we are always told that people need love so just get out and love on people...and it's true... really this world is hurting and love is the only hope. Therefore God is love. So show people GOD=LOVE.

A few supernatural powers that I would like to have and I am inspired to achieve is to love. 

To LOVE those people that just annoy me so much or hurt me so much (because hurt people hurt people!!!) it is so hard to be nice to those people that just really just treat you like garbage. But loving someone unlovable is definitely a supernatural power! Not many people can do that...nope not even me...not yet!

Forgiving someone (and this one goes hand in hand with loving) that had done you so wrong....  just imagine....  you might say in your heart... how can I forgive someone that is totally being so mean to me and do mean things on purpose.... what about ...just avoiding that person.. I'm saying- God has your back!- just love and forgive you will feel sooooo much better!

Being joyful in times of trouble... ...
Oh Dear Lord.. I remember this one... when my father had cancer 4 years ago and I just had to keep show a smile to those around me, to still encourage them and to rejoice (to no stop from seeing the miracles of God day by day). It was hard! I wanted to much to focus on my problem. I wanted so much to focus on the negative side...

To have peace... ...for me it just feel the Presence of God with you when you are scared. When you are in front of a million people and you actually have to speak or sing or do something.. When your heart just beats 100 times a minute and your voice cracks and your hands and whole body is shacking just just stop and know that no one in that audience is more important or more amazing than one person that is ALWAYS with you and that is God. Know that He is there with you. Do not be afraid.

Here is the rest of the list of all the superpowers I would like to have forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This is are all the fruits of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23.

Now this is what I'am talking about....

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